The power generation industry is still very prospective in Indonesia, given the level of economic growth and the industry can still develop larger. This is an opportunity for the Company to generate revenue considering the electricity demand in Indonesia is still very large, and the Company is able to make improvements to the condition and financial performance of the Company. The company plans to carry out its own construction and supply of electricity to PT. PLN and PT. Indonesia Power (PT. IP). Efforts that have been made by the Company to implement this plan are by participating in several electricity procurement work auctions in several major cities in Indonesia held by PT. PLN (Persero).
The Company strives to apply the principles of good corporate governance, namely transparent, honest, responsible and accountability, which aim to make the Company managed properly so as to increase shareholder value. Management strives to run the Company prudently and responsibly. The Board of Directors has attended several training and seminars to improve competence and expertise in the management. As a public company, every corporate activity to be carried out by the Company must comply with regulations in the Capital Market and regulations in the place where the Company's shares are listed.
The opportunity for the Company to generate revenue considering the electricity demand in Indonesia is still very large, and the Company is able to make improvements to the Company's financial condition and performance.